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Search results for '"ready for christmas?"'...

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Sun 18th Dec 2016 18:30 p.m. Service John 1:1-18 R U Ready for Christmas? Great people recognise greatness Gaius Phillingham
Sun 18th Dec 2016 10:30 a.m. Service Matthew 1:18-25 R U Ready for Christmas? No need to be afraid Gaius Phillingham
Sun 11th Dec 2016 18:30 p.m. Service Isaiah 11:1-10 Are you ready For Christmas? God's King will rule Righteously Gaius Phillingham
Sun 11th Dec 2016 10:30 a.m. Service Isaiah 7:1-16 R U Ready for Christmas? God Will Come Himself Gaius Phillingham
Sun 04th Dec 2016 10:30 a.m. Service Genesis 3:1-19 R U Ready for Christmas? Our need and His promise Gaius Phillingham
Wed 25th Dec 2013 10:30 a.m. Service Luke 2:1-20 Ready for Christmas? Shepherds and angels Gaius Phillingham
Sun 22nd Dec 2013 18:30 p.m. Service Ready for Christmas? Ready for Christmas? Gaius Phillingham
Sun 22nd Dec 2013 10:30 a.m. Service John 7:40-52 Ready for Christmas? Ready for Christmas? With Jesus? Gaius Phillingham
Sun 15th Dec 2013 18:30 p.m. Service Luke 2:29-32 Ready for Christmas? Receive Him! Gaius Phillingham
Sun 15th Dec 2013 10:30 a.m. Service Luke 1: 57 -66 Ready for Christmas? Remember John Gaius Phillingham
Sun 08th Dec 2013 18:30 p.m. Service Luke 1: 76-80 Ready for Christmas? Proclaim Him! Gaius Phillingham
Sun 08th Dec 2013 10:30 a.m. Service Luke 1:26-45 Ready for Christmas? Remember Mary Andrew Rowe
Sun 01st Dec 2013 10:30 a.m. Service Luke 1:1-25 Ready for Christmas? Remember Zechariah and Elizabeth Gaius Phillingham

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